Category Archives: Good for Laughs

31 Days of Youth

Since I only have 31 days left in my youth, I figured I better make the most of it (okay, technically it’s 29 days as of today, but when I began this challenge two days ago, it was 31 days).  So, I am doing one youthful and/or adventurous thing per day as a countdown to my 30th birthday in mid-September.  I’m not going to make this a major blog project or anything, but enough people have asked me about it that I thought I’d post quick updates here so folks who are interested can follow along!

This will be the only page about it; I’ll just edit it every couple of days.  So save the link and check back in at your leisure!

Also, even if you’re still a young pup or have already crossed over to the other side, feel free to play along!  You’re only as old as you feel, so post fun and/or adventurous things you’ve done in the comments section!  🙂  And, of course, I’m accepting ideas, so feel free to send suggestions…

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What I’m Thankful For: Bad Religious Movies

If there is one thing I love — and I mean love — with a blazing passion that burns like wildfire in my soul, it’s bad movies.  And not just any bad movies.  Bad religious movies.  I love them so much I cry.  I watch them whenever possible.  They fill a special hole in my heart that nothing else can touch.

There are literally dozens to choose from (and believe me, I’ve seen them all), but here are my top 5.

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Mo or No?: Shanna

I swear, The Biggest Loser has more Mormons than any other reality TV program in the universe (in fairness, I have no way to substantiate that claim because The Biggest Loser is the only reality TV show I watch).  This season, there is one confirmed Mormon contestant, Burgandy Keel (check out her Facebook fan page where she links to Mormon messages — a dead giveaway)…but last night I found myself wondering if there might be another: Shanna.

Evidences in favor…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Her voice.

Evidences against…

None. Did you hear her voice?

My Mo Rating: 110%.

How about you?  Enter your percentage in the comments below.  In the meantime, I (or perhaps our resident Googler, Eric) will search around the internet for the answer!

ABOUT MO OR NO?: I play Mo or No? all the time with my husband and a couple of friends.  Whenever we pass a candidate in the street or at the store, we give each other a percentage based on a cursory glance–and then search for additional evidences (such as capped sleeves, long shorts, CTR rings, extra undershirts, etc.) to verify our hunch.  Online, the game works the same.   Enjoy!

Mo or No: Sam and Koli

Today's Contestants: Sam and Koli

If you’re watching The Biggest Loser this season, you’ll notice two things…

  1. These are the FATTEST CONTESTANTS EVER! (They say that every year…)
  2. There’s a pair of Tongan cousins who just might be Mos

Evidences in favor…

  • They’re Tongan.  15.5% of Tongans are Mos.
  • They just seem nice like that.
  • I tried to come up with more evidences in favor, but really, that’s all.
  • EDIT: Koli cries all the time.  That’s a total Mo-man thing to do.  Granted, people on The Biggest Loser cry a lot in general, but Koli seems to cry more than usual, which makes me think he, in particular, is mo’ Mo than the Sam.

Evidences against…

  • I once heard them drop a swear.
  • Sam has (gasp!) earrings.

My Mo Rating: 61%…though I think Sam might be inactive if indeed he is Mo.

What about you?  Enter your percentage in the comments below.

EDIT: Thanks to Eric, our resident master of Googling, we can now answer this question more definitively.  Go here to check Sam and here to check Koli.  If you want to play, answer in the comments first…and then click the links to check your answers.

ABOUT MO OR NO?: I play Mo or No? all the time with my husband and a couple of friends.  Whenever we pass a candidate in the street or at the store, we give each other a percentage based on a cursory glance–and then search for additional evidences (such as capped sleeves, long shorts, CTR rings, extra undershirts, etc.) to verify our hunch.  Online, the game works the same.   Enjoy!

Confessions of a Licked Cupcake: The Fortune Cookie


I listened to Elna Baker’s interview on Mormon Expression podcast today and enjoyed it immensely.   Then I Googled her, and came across this:

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Mo or No?: Russell Brunson

It’s with tremendous joy that I bring you my first ever Mo or No? post.  I’ve had this idea for months, but until yesterday, had not found a viable candidate!

Here’s how it works: I stumble across someone in the media, online, or in pop culture who strikes me as particularly Mormon.  I post a picture and some information.  Then we all get to give a percentage of just how Mo we think s/he is!  Sound like fun?  You betcha!

russellbrunsonToday’s Contestant:
Russell Brunson

I received a solicitation from sales guru Brian Tracy in my inbox the other day advertising a program by internet marketer Russell Brunson.  When I clicked through to the website and saw the video on the page, my eyes just about popped out of my head.  I thought, “this guy’s gotta be Mormon.”  Here’s the video.  As you watch, note the evidences…

  • He looks like he’s 22
  • …And he’s married
  • …with 4 kids
  • …in pictures in a field in the background
  • He’s got some sort of tender quote on a colored board displayed in his office
  • He’s from Boise
  • He’s wearing a collared shirt buttoned up to the second button, with an undershirt underneath
  • He just has that “glow”

My Mo Rating: 96.3%.

How about you?  Enter your percentage in the comments below.

EDIT: We have found a definitive answer regarding Russell Brunson’s Mormon-ness (thank you, Eric, for your tireless research).  To play, just enter your rating in the comments section BEFORE checking your answer.  Then check your answer by clicking here.

ABOUT MO OR NO?: I play Mo or No? all the time with my husband and a couple of friends.  Whenever we pass a candidate in the street or at the store, we give each other a percentage based on a cursory glance–and then search for additional evidences (such as capped sleeves, long shorts, CTR rings, extra undershirts, etc.) to verify our hunch.  I will have you know, I am incredibly good at this game.  (My friend April’s pretty damn good, too.)

Most Beautifulest Worship Song in the History of the Universe

I believe this beautiful number speaks for itself.

A special shout out to my bro-in-law Todd for posting it on my Facebook wall.  Thank you, Todd.  It was the best thing to happen to me since…well, ever.  😉

Worst. Sermon. Ever.

I stumbled upon this video on He Said, She Said.  I just had to share.

I have…no words.

50 Things I Love


Friends and neighbors, I am no longer in such a cranky mood!  Hooray!

My blog has been a bundle of pissiness lately, and there’s no excuse for that.  Well, except for the fact that I have been a bundle of pissiness lately–which I guess is not so much of an excuse as it is an explanation.

In any event, I decided today that there’s always gonna be stuff to be pissy about, so I might as well get over it.  Therefore, it is with great joy that I present my list of 50 Things I Love (to counteract my previous list of 50 Things I Hate).  In no particular order…

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Confessions of a Licked Cupcake: Episode #1 – The Twinkie Smear


I am pleased to present the first in what I hope is a semi-regular series of short audio interviews about LDS chastity metaphors for Young Women…


(IMPORTANT NOTE: a podcast follows this brief introduction; scroll down to find it.)

After years of feeling traumatized by an entire adolescence filled with sometimes ludicrous and always uncomfortable sex lessons in Sunday School, seminary, and Young Women, I realized something extremely important recently:

Those lessons were damn funny.

And thus, this series was born.

Here’s the audio.  In Episode 1: The Twinkie Smear, my sister Jenny shares one of the most visual represenations of what-not-to-do-while-kissing I’ve ever heard of.  The whole thing is about 4 and a half minutes.  Click play and enjoy!

Why the Licked Cupcake?

The licked cupcake is a somewhat widely-used chastity metaphor in Mormondom…wherein the girls are compared to cupcakes, frosting is compared to virtue…and the moral of the story is that if someone’s licked your frosting, no one will want you.


This is dedicated to all the licked cupcakes out there who feel helpless and alone.  Remember, you’re never so far gone that Jesus can’t re-frost you–and this time, you’ll even have sprinkles and a cherry on top. 😉

This post is one in a series.  Get the rest of the series here.