Blog Archives

The Renovation Is Nearly Complete

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to roll out my newly reorganized blog.  It’s about 85% done.  I’m still trying to convince my brother in law to do a cool header for me to replace this dorky one I did.  And there are some pages I want to update and stuff…but for the most part, I think I’m just about there!  🙂

Enjoy!  And if you have any suggestions for me…feel free to let me know.

P.S. I took special care to fill the Favorite Links with some gems.  Explore them if you dare.

Big Changes Are A-Comin'

Okay, so I hinted at it in my previous post, but I’m currently working on totally revamping my blog.  It will have a whole new look and feel, not to mention some expanded subject matter.

Here are some of the changes you can expect in the next couple weeks:

  • Brand new design. I’ll be switching themes and I may even get my graphic designer brother-in-law to create a custom header for me.
  • Categories & Tags. Yeah, I know, blogging 101, but I’ll actually use them.
  • Two exciting new series, including: Confessions of a Licked Cupcake, where I share the funniest and most outrageous chastity metaphors young Mormon women are subjected to (I hope to podcast actual interviews from the victims participants as frequently as possible [and BTW, I’m currently accepting theme song suggestions for this feature; leave it in the comments if you can think of one]), and Mo or No?, where we try to spot Mormons in pop culture and assign people Mormon-ness percentages based on their public behavior.
  • Expanded topics. While the focus will remain primarily on spirituality and religion, it won’t be JUST about a grace-based approach to Mormonism.
  • And much, much more! (That’s marketing-speak for when you run out of cool features to list, but want to make your prospects think you’ve just scratched the surface.)

Should be fun–so stay tuned!  🙂