The Renovation Is Nearly Complete

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to roll out my newly reorganized blog.  It’s about 85% done.  I’m still trying to convince my brother in law to do a cool header for me to replace this dorky one I did.  And there are some pages I want to update and stuff…but for the most part, I think I’m just about there!  🙂

Enjoy!  And if you have any suggestions for me…feel free to let me know.

P.S. I took special care to fill the Favorite Links with some gems.  Explore them if you dare.

About Katie L

A doubter by nature, a believer by grace.

Posted on April 25, 2009, in Announcements and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Kirk Cameron’s Official Website????!!!

    LOL! LOL!!!!!

    You rock, Katie! 🙂

  2. You are a funny, funny girl! Licked cupcakes . . .oh my 🙂 BTW–you have a misspelled link: “Polyamy Jesus”

    Oh, and thanks for linking to me! I’d still love a guest post from you!


  3. I love it Katie.

    And your crappy self-made header is way better than my crappy self-made header. What did you use to design the blog logo?

  4. Thanks guys. 🙂

    Jack, I used a simple freebie software program called XHeader to design it. Bought the silhouette images from Fotolia I think it was. I know just enough about graphic design to make it clean, but not nearly enough to make it look really awesome.

    Oh well.

  5. Yay, thanks Katie. I used it to make a less-crappy header for my site.

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